Spring is upon us (smell ya later, winter!), and with the warmer temptures comes an itch to do something different with your hair. Whether you’re looking to completely change it up, or just bring some new life into your current color, here are some of the top trending colors for spring, from our own talented stylists here at Icon Salon.
1. Blonde
Brighten up your blonde by adding some natural sun kissed highlights to spice things up. Its a Subtle change, but can make a world of a difference!
If you want to make a real statement try something a little more bold. You can still have that natural grow out, but have a brighter canvas giving you the Ombre affect. For up keep at home, use purple shampoo once a week to keep the blonde bright and rejuvenated.
2. Brunette
This spring it’s all about going to the dark side. Try taking your color down a few notches with a rich chocolate brown. Usually going darker is an unexpected choice this time of year, but that could be the perfect balance to this springs fashion trends with the bright colors and bold prints. Plus, this deep color is flattering for all sorts of skin tones.
3. Red
If you’re currently thinking about trying out a warmer, copper color, check out a warm strawberry blonde. This color is great for adding a natural golden glow to all skin types!
4. Black
For those of us with super dark hair, you can easily add a few baby lights or peek-a-boo to add some dimension! It'll also give this structured, fun hair cut some more power.
5. Multi-colored
Be bold and daring. You can add a peek-a-boo underneath you natural color just to change things up and have some fun.
Color by Andrae
Cut and Color by Amanda
Color by Romilda
Cut and Color by Amnon
Cut by Marco
Cut and Color by Gail