At Icon, we carry Revitalash which is a condition treatment for stronger, thicker lashes. On the box of Revitalash, it states, "This finely-calibrated breakthrough cosmetic formula addresses the visual signs of eyelash aging and stress for more dramatic-looking eyelashes."
Also on the packaging, the company discusses their 6 week trial and their results showed, "98% improved lash appearance and 98% stronger, healthier-looking lashes."

A member of our Icon family, Erin, tried Revitalash and these are her findings:
"I started using Revitalash at the end of September of 2016. I used it every day on my top and bottom lashes in the morning in addition to her beauty routine.
I found Revitalash super easy to use and it glides on evenly right on the lash line. I used the Revitalash and then applied a CVS brand mascara with no conditioning properties (Revitalash also carries mascara but this test is just with the conditioning treatment).
I noticed changes about 8-9 weeks in with healthier, thicker looking lashes. I continued to use it until the beginning of April. I stopped completely to see what the effect would be. I did notice a decrease in length and thickness within a month.
I now use it once a week and I am still able to maintain long, full lashes!
Overall, I would definitely recommend this product as a conditioning treatment for your lashes. Results might vary for others, but they definitely worked for me."
Stop by Icon and check out Revitalash Advanced!